Air Purifiers

Holiday Gift Guide for the Interior Design Lover

Holiday Gift Guide for the Interior Design Lover

We’ve all got that friend or family member. Take one step into their personal space, and you instantly know they’ve intentionally styled what you see. Their rooms are a vibe, full of energy and flow. You swear you’ve walked right into a magazine. We love these people...

The Science Behind Why Sleeping With an Air Purifier Helps

The Science Behind Why Sleeping With an Air Purifier Helps

When was the last time you enjoyed a full night of high-quality sleep? Without tossing and turning or disruptions? One in three American adults don’t get the minimum seven hours a night recommended for maintaining good health.  Have you thought about the air...

Wildfire Smoke: How Air Purifiers Can Help Protect You

Wildfire Smoke: How Air Purifiers Can Help Protect You

Wildfires are a significant danger in many parts of the United States. Even if you don’t live in an area where wildfires often occur, you may still feel their negative effects on your air quality. That’s because wildfire smoke can travel thousands of miles beyond the...

What You’re Breathing In during a Wildfire

What You’re Breathing In during a Wildfire

A wildfire can have tragic and widespread effects, and one of the farthest-reaching dangers is the smoke it produces. Wildfire smoke is a complex mixture of substances that can negatively impact health. The issue is compounded by the fact that wildfire smoke can...

Relief from Allergens

Relief from Allergens

If you are an allergy sufferer, you are not alone: more than 25 million Americans are diagnosed with seasonal allergies each year. Millions of people also experience year-round allergies. Once you suffer from them, you know: allergies are nothing to sneeze at....

Why Purify

Why Purify

If you are like many people, you probably don't spend much time thinking about the quality of the air inside your home. Like others, you may not be aware of what is in the air in your home, how it impacts your health and whether there is anything you can do to improve...

Cleaner Air Matters

Cleaner Air Matters

When Cleaner Air Matters, We're Here For You We can’t always control the things that occur out in the world, but we can take steps to help improve the space where we live and spend time. Effective Air Cleaning and Circulation Honeywell air purifiers have been 3rd...