InSight™ Series HEPA Towers – Various Room Sizes

Large (HPA180)
Medium (HPA080)

InSight™ Series HEPA Tower Air Purifiers require the following filters:

  • 1 A or A+ Pre-Filter
  • G HEPA Filter(s) – the number of G filters needed depends on the size of your model (see details below).

Optionally, you can add the following specialty odor-reducing filters:

  • 1 T Enhanced Odor & VOC Filter – available in 4 varieties.

Filter replacement guidelines:

  • G HEPA Filter(s) are recommended to be changed every 12 months.
  • The A or A+ Pre-Filter is recommended to be changed every 3 months.

See below for compatible filters to the InSight™ Series HEPA Tower Air Purifiers

InSight™ HEPA Tower for Large Rooms (HPA180)

Required Filters:
1 A or A+ Pre-Filter
2 G HEPA Filters

Optional Filter:
2 T Filters

A or A+ Pre-Filter

Cut to size roll

G HEPA Filter

2 G HEPA Filters

T Filters (optional)

Choose from: Smoke, Kitchen Odors, Pet Odors, Home Renovation VOC

InSight™ HEPA Compact Tower for Medium Rooms (HPA080)

Required Filters:
1 A or A+ Pre-Filter
1 G HEPA Filter

Optional Filter:
1 T Filter

A or A+ Pre-Filter

Cut to size roll

G HEPA Filter

2 G HEPA Filters

T Filters (optional)

Choose from: Smoke, Kitchen Odors, Pet Odors, Home Renovation VOC